.UK - Second Level Domains Launching!

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.UK Direct - The New Shorter and Sharper .UK Domain

On June 10th, 2014, second-level .UK domains (mydomain.uk) will be available for registration!  This highly anticipated release of the second-level .UK domains is already generating lots of inquires and demand.  For those with existing third-level .UK domains like co.uk, please read the details blow on the grandfathering rights process.  And for those looking to register open second-level .UK domains, now is the time to pre-register for these valuable domain names.

In addition to the release of second-level .UK domains, Nominet, the registry operator, will implement stricter data quality rules for information submitted by registrants as of May 7, 2014.  In a nutshell, registrant data that can't be verified by the registry will result in domain registrations being suspended and possibly revoked (loss of registration).  Please read the new rules on data quality below.

Rights to Reserve: Existing .UK Domain Registrants

Those with existing "third-Level" .UK domain names will automatically be given the opportunity to register their equivalent shorter and more direct "second-Level" .UK domain under certain conditions:

For those with first rights to the equivalent shorter .UK domain, registration of the new second-level .UK equivalent domain must be exercised before 10 June 2019.

The pricing for .UK Domains will be exactly the same as for Third-Level .UK Domains.

New Third-Level .UK Registrations Before June 10, 2014 (Alternative to Pre-registration)

For those looking to secure an open second-level .UK domain now, you can alternatively register a new co.uk or another third-Level domain before June 10, 2014 given you first check the domain with the Rights Lookup Tool. Please note the following:

Nominet Registry's New Data Quality Policy - Starting May 7, 2014

The goal of the new Data Quality Policy by Nominet, is to ensure that the .UK namespace is a trusted and safe space on the Internet.  As a result, starting on May 7, 2014, registrations for all third-level .UK domains will be checked for completeness and more importantly will be under a review and validation process by the registry. Any .UK domain registration failing to be complete or failing the independent validation process will be suspended within thirty (30) days of the registration date.  If subsequent validation can't be obtained, the domain registration may eventually be revoked.

Guidelines for Resellers and Registrants: